Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Increasing an AWS instance's disk space by adding an EBS volume

I wanted to provide more free disk space for my AWS instance. I had previously discovered that restoring a snapshot to a larger EBS volume doesn't easily accomplish this, so instead I added a second EBS volume to the instance. Here's how to do so using the AWS Management Console:

Click Volumes.

Click the Create Volume button.

Type in the desired size (I entered 30 GiB). Select the Availability Zone, making sure it's the same one used by your instance. From the Snapshot dropdown, select --- No Snapshot ---.

Right-click the newly created volume and select Attach Volume. Select your instance. Accept the default value for Device. (If the state doesn't change immediately from attaching to attached, try refreshing the page.)

At first, when I used Windows Explorer to view the disks in a Remote Desktop session on my instance, I didn't see the new disk. Logging off and back on didn't help. Stopping and restarting the instance did the trick. I'm not actually sure if that's what helped, or if I just needed to wait a few minutes, or what. But in the end, it worked. In addition to the C: drive, I now had an empty D: drive with a capacity of 29.9 GB.

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