Sunday, June 5, 2011

Using SQL to concatenate values from multiple rows into a single string

Lots of SQL programmers probably know this trick already, but it was a new one for me and seems worth sharing. In just a few lines of code, without using a cursor, you can concatenate values from multiple rows into a single string. For example, if you have a table with a FirstName column, and a SELECT statement returns the FirstName values 'Aaron', 'Betty' and 'Carol', it's easy to form a string like this: 'Aaron, Betty, Carol'. The comments in the code snippet below explain how.

-- create a test table and insert some rows of test data
FirstName VARCHAR(10),
LastName VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO Test VALUES ('Aaron', 'Aardvark')
INSERT INTO Test VALUES ('Betty', 'Baboon')
INSERT INTO Test VALUES ('Carol', 'Condor')

-- form a comma-delimited list of the FirstName values from all records
DECLARE @myList VARCHAR(100) -- this works with a VARCHAR or NVARCHAR variable, but _not_ with a CHAR variable
SET @myList = '' -- initialize the variable; if you don't, the output string will be blank

-- The next SELECT statement is the key. It appends the FirstName from each record to whatever is in the string so far.
-- The CASE statement is just for putting commas between the names, but not in front of the first one.
SELECT @myList = @myList + CASE @myList WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE ', ' END + FirstName FROM Test
SELECT @myList AS MyList -- output the string, which should say 'Aaron, Betty, Carol'

-- delete the test table

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